1.Sealed and saved
When choosing honey, you can choose small cans, that can eat in a few days. or buy sachets, eat a sachet at a time. If unfortunately, you bought a large can, it does not matter, buy a roll of plastic wrap, cover the lid before you finish eating, and wrap the wrap in the wrap.
2.Heating to prevent fermentation
In the hot summer, honey is easily fermented at room temperature. In this case, honey should be stored in a glass container, placed in a pot of water and heated to 63 °C ~ 65 °C, and incubated for 30 minutes to prevent fermentation.
3.Ginger film anti-metamorphism
To keep the honey for a long time without deterioration or change of taste, put a proper amount of ginger in the honey. The method is: Choose pure and free of impurities of honey, into a clean glass or ceramic jar, then per 500 grams of honey add a small piece of ginger, sealed and stored in the cool place, you can put long without deterioration.
4.Cold water preservation
Another way to preserve food is to store it in cold water. Put the bottled honey in a bag and seal it tightly so that it cannot leak water. Then use a properly sized washbasin to fill the cool place with water and then place the honey in it. If your home is in a rural area and there are wells, honey can be put into the wells, and the preservation effect will be much better. Honey will not crystallize.